These tests give you a basic idea of your level and the ones with corrections are more useful.
They don't give you any idea of your communication ability.
To me, communication is most important, however, if you use English in business, grammar is also important (in writing especially).
https://www.oxfordonlineenglish.com/english-level-test (choose listening, grammar, vocab, reading / grammar test - 40 questions / hit arrow (not "list") / score / level / corrections / explanation)
https://www.englishtag.com/tests_with_answers/intro.asp (choose a test level / corrections / results)
https://ngl.cengage.com/assets/downloads_b/marketing_downloads/1111031096/Outcomes%20Placement%20Test.pdf (corrections / level)
https://www.englishjet.com/english_courses_files/test_level_answers.asp (68 questions / repetitive / results / level / corrections)
https://www.cambridgeenglish.org/test-your-english/ (choice of general, school, business, young tests / hit "review your answers to see corrections" / results)
https://www.ilsenglish.com/quicklinks/test-your-english-level (50 questions / no corrections / final score and level only)
https://www.languagelevel.com/english/ (results only / no corrections)
https://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/online-english-level-test (asks you to say if you are "Not Sure", "Fairly Sure" or "Certain" after each question / score & level / no corrections)
https://www.examenglish.com/leveltest/index.php (choose from grammar, vocabulary, listening / level only / no corrections)
https://www.englishtag.com/tests/level_test.asp (result and level only / no corrections)