One-on-One English Classes on Skype
Good Practices for Best Results
Two Skype classes a week will help you to improve faster.
Disconnect - hide from distractions; turn off your phone notifications. Focus on your English during classes and when you are practicing alone.
Spend 10 to 15 minutes a day (4 days a week) practicing English.
Once a week try to spend 30 minutes to do your guided homework to prepare for your classes.
Practice speaking aloud. Record yourself and listen to your pronunciation.
Speak English as often as you can - to your family, friends, the dog or cat ...
Do listening and repeating (aloud) exercises with short sentences in audio files / videos / podcasts...
Read (news) articles that interest you.
When reading, write down new vocabulary and expressions. Find the meaning and practice using the vocabulary. Connect the vocabulary to something in your life.
Find synonyms for lots of words. (Google "happy + synonyms" for example. Here are the results:
feeling or showing pleasure or contentment.
"Melissa came in looking happy and excited"
synonyms: contented, content, cheerful, cheery, merry, joyful, jovial, jolly, joking, jocular, gleeful, carefree, untroubled, delighted, smiling, beaming, grinning, glowing, satisfied, gratified, buoyant, radiant, sunny, blithe, joyous,
beatific, blessed; ..."
Put English subtitles on your TV. For some shows such as the news, watch in English.
Listen to music and the radio in English.
Listen to English podcasts. (If you have time, read the transcript while listening. Then, listen again without reading.)
Practice writing by making lists in English or keeping a short daily journal.
Have fun! Laugh!
Be patient. It takes lots of practice and repetition to improve fluency and accent.
Be kind to yourself. Celebrate your improvements.