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One-on-One English Classes on Skype

Good Practices for Best Results

  • Two Skype classes a week will help you to improve faster.

  • Disconnect - hide from distractions; turn off your phone notifications. Focus on your English during classes and when you are practicing alone.

  • Spend 10 to 15 minutes a day (4 days a week) practicing English.  

  • Once a week try to spend 30 minutes to do your guided homework to prepare for your classes.  

  • Practice speaking aloud.   Record yourself and listen to your pronunciation.

  • Speak English as often as you can - to your family, friends, the dog or cat ...

  • Do listening and repeating (aloud) exercises with short sentences in audio files / videos / podcasts...

  • Read (news) articles that interest you.  

  • When reading, write down new vocabulary and expressions.  Find the meaning and practice using the vocabulary.  Connect the vocabulary to something in your life.

  • Find synonyms for lots of words.  (Google "happy + synonyms" for example.  Here are the results: 


feeling or showing pleasure or contentment.

"Melissa came in looking happy and excited"

synonyms:  contented, content, cheerful, cheery, merry, joyful, jovial, jolly, joking, jocular, gleeful, carefree, untroubled, delighted, smiling, beaming, grinning, glowing, satisfied, gratified, buoyant, radiant, sunny, blithe, joyous, 

beatific, blessed; ..."

  • Put English subtitles on your TV.  For some shows such as the news, watch in English.

  • Listen to music and the radio in English.

  • Listen to English podcasts.  (If you have time, read the transcript while listening.  Then, listen again without reading.)

  • Practice writing by making lists in English or keeping a short daily journal.

  • Have fun!  Laugh!  

  • Be patient.  It takes lots of practice and repetition to improve fluency and accent.

  • Be kind to yourself.  Celebrate your improvements.  

Thank you for choosing to have English lessons

with Christina Wilson!

I appreciate your investment to achieve success in English.

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